Thursday, April 7, 2011

Biking - Alone and with Family

I got in a good bike ride this morning. My wife didn't have to work, so I took some time to be kid-free. Which was much needed (thank you, Honey). It went with the flat route through Victory Memorial over to North Mississippi, hoping that the lack of hills would allow my out-of-shape body to travel a little further (I did fine until the last leg coming home).

It was a beautiful spring day. We've been blessed this week. The boys and I had stopped at the nature center at North Mississippi Regional park last weekend. Birds were out, bugs were out, plants were starting to push their way up out of the ground. Spring is here.

My bike ride back there today was mainly for the exercise and the time out. But I also wanted to check out the island just north of the Camden Bridge where all the great blue herons build their nests. It was amazing to watch. I actually didn't even know herons nested in communities like that until we saw a tree full of them when we lived in British Columbia.

After Anders got out of school we loaded up the bikes and drove up there (it's over five miles one way and I knew the biking from the parking lot I planned on going to was going to be plenty--the boys are still on training wheels after all). So we drove up, biked a little ways over to the river. Some of the path was under water (so we rode a little through the Mississippi!), but we got to a nice spot where we could view the birds well.
The pictures are from my phone, so they're not the best. But you can see the nests (if not the birds) in the tops of the tree. We met some friends at the playground afterward and enjoyed time outside.

Ah, Spring. Your presence is welcome.

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