Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Spring Brings . . .

people back to the park. It's been a long winter not seeing anyone outside. Especially since we've only been here a year and don't know a lot of people in our neighborhood yet--at least not well enough for the relationships to continue much through the winter.

Thankfully I've had the local stay-at-home dads group that meets each week. During the winter they met a little closer to where we leave and it worked better in our schedule to get to it. So it was good to have that connection with people. Especially other dads. It was also really good to be able to get out of the house and get the boys moving through the winter.But now, it's good to be able to get outside (I've needed to be able to walk and exercise more to burn off those winter pounds anyway). We can go outside just about anytime and run into someone. And that's always good. Good for the boys to have other kids to play with, and good for me to have other adults to talk to--and get to know better.

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