Monday, February 1, 2010

E = Exceding Expectations

Report cards came home recently. Anders' first report card. It's really not a monumental occasion. We've had a conference with the teacher earlier in the year. We're aware of his strengths and areas he needs to focus on a little more.

The hard part is that we're not there to be a part of what the report card reflects. I mean, we are there for the books he has to read at home, special projects and whatever else we work on here, but we're not the ones doing the bulk of the teaching anymore. We could be, of course. Homeschooling is a viable option, but Anders really needs the social interaction. Plus, the bus ride is often the favorite part of his day.

A child's education is supposed to be a joint venture. Yes, the teacher is the one with our child during the day, but we're not off the hook. And education is a life-long (not to mention day-long) process.

I think when the report card comes home with good marks we tend to praise ourselves (for the genes we passed on), but when the marks are low we tend to blame the teacher. Let's affirm everyone involved and keep pushing onward.

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